About Us

Our Vision

We envision Unitarian Universalist congregations in Wisconsin in a collaborative relationship, sharing hopes and ambitions, embracing UU values, and working together to bring about the Beloved Community in the state of Wisconsin.

Our Mission

Our mission, grounded in our UU faith, is to build and sustain a collaborative network where all voices are heard.  Using inclusive democratic process, we will employ our resources to support those efforts that our congregations deem most critical to our state.  We will do this by:

  1. Employing UU values to advocate for thoughtful and meaningful policy changes
  2. Partnering with organizations whose primary values and objectives we share
  3. Providing educational opportunities on issues of importance
  4. Providing an advocacy infrastructure to assert our voices into the statewide conversation
  5. Listening to those impacted by injustice and oppression
  6. Promoting participatory democracy which reflects the will of the people, accessible to all eligible voters, and grounded in an informed electorate.